click on the day based on what today's date is!
(one message per day only)



hi hello! you clicked this message that means you are a very important person who is loved and appreciated <3 you've done so many things in your life, got through much
hardships but... you're here! reading this message, shouldn't you be proud of yourself? hehe because i am! you decided to stay strong and hope for what could the future
bring you! you dont know what will happen in the next 10 years but you're here fighting and staying strong! i feel less lonely because i know you're here with me! sooo have
an amazing day today! please dont skip meals and drink a lot of water! i love you so much and i'll see you tomorrow!


good morning to the most wonderful person here! and that's you! i hope you've been smiling a lot these days because i really want you to be happy <3 please always look
out for yourself! a lot of people really care about you but you should be the first one who cares about yourself! also, thank you for spreading love and happiness. i know
you're that kind of person! but i hope the love that you give to others, is the love that you'll give to yourself too! also, please appreciate yourself for being here and that you
have been given a chance to live today as well! i hope you'll always be safe and happy today! i love you so much!


hello good morning! it's another beautiful day for a beautiful person! hehe i hope you get to do things that you are planning to do today! you can do it! but please take
some breaks in between because we need those as well! i hope you're feeling okay and that you're not sick! if you're not, then good job! im proud of you and thank you
for listening to me! have lots of fun today and do the things that you enjoy doing <3 i hope to see you again tomorrow! i love you!


it's almost 20 days since you started reading this!! im really thankful because you make me feel that this carrd is that important to you! i hope this carrd has been helping you
for almost a month now. i hope you are being able to love and appreciate yourself more. because you are that person. a person that always deserves to feel important! have
an amazing day today and i hope it fills up with joy! i love you so much! dont forget to eat your breakfast!


i have some important news today!!!!11! it's very important!!!!!! the..... the.... the person who is reading this is very important and special and deserves all the love in this
world!!! hehe please smile today! things are getting tougher as days pass by, but there will always be good things in this world and someday you'll be able to receive them
and you'd be saying "i worked hard for this" and that is true! everything will be alright soon and you'll be thankful that you did not give up! so today, stand up and eat your
breakfast to start your day! i love you soooo much! see you tomorrow <3


noooooo dont tell me its true!! 10 days left until you finish this?? aww im really going to miss you :(( hehe just joking you can continue to talk to me through my twitter account!
let's be friends too! hehe i'd really love if i had you as my friend hehe because you are like the best!! you are so important to me now so i hope you always take care of yourself
and that you love yourself too! if ever there's a time you feel lonely and down, that's okay we all have our bad days but remember this, they will never last long. you will be
happy again and everything that you've experienced or currently experiencing all have a reason behind them. so let's not give up! instead let's hope that tomorrow will be
a better day for you! hehe i love you so much and im really proud of you!


it's day twenty-two and i love you! hehe i hope you have a nice day today! try going outside your house for a little while but be safe of course!
just look at the sky, and i promise it'll make you calm. i feel relaxed when i look up to the sky especially when i feel lonely but then i see the beautiful sky with the pretty clouds..
aaa i feel like im with someone. it makes me imagine other people looking to the sky as well and it makes me feel less lonely. so you should try it! they're really pretty especially
sunsets aaaa wait are you a sunrise or a sunset person?? because im not a fan of waking up early soooo i appreciate sunsets more. it's like a definition of an ending being really
beautiful. whenever i see a sunset, it feels like someone's telling me "you did a great job again! you got through this day. you endured some things again but you're here and im
proud of you" and it just makes my day much more better <3 i hope you'll feel like that too when you see a sunset or when you look at the sky hehe i love you so much and remember
that you're a wonderful person so keep on smiling, okay! see you tomorrow!!


good morning!! how are you? are you still feeling sleepy? hmm you should sleep more if you feel like you need to! but if it's getting late aleady oh nononooooo especially
if you have things to do!! here, im giving you all the motivation you need!!! you can do it and i will always believe in you! dont skip your meals okay and always stay hyrdated!
have a wonderful day today, and i'll see you tomorrow! i love you so much, beautiful person <3


i have a question for you!!!! who is the most important person in this whole world????!!! you, of course! hehe thank you for being here again with me! if you're curious
im actually writing this on the 20th day of June hehe what day is it there? wait you should be reading this at the 24th day of the month!! i hope you're not opening messages
randomly >< anyways have a great day today and i hope you'll have energy to do the things that you have to do! im here cheering you on!! let's see each other again tomorrow okay?
eat 3x a day (or more!) hehe and drink looots of water <3 also a reminder to love yourself! you're an amazing person. im really happy that someone special like you is reading this message!


good morning to you and to you only! hehe have your morning become better because of these mssages? aaa i hope so! if not, then they must be not enough :(( dont forget
that you can message me anytime on my twitter account <3 im always waiting for you, you know? :(( you should talk to me there and share your stories with me! aaa i hope you
have an amazing day today! and that your worries will be replaced with joy! so always keep safe & healthy and let's see each other again! i love you! oh noooo wait!!! you left

to whoever is reading this, i know you are an incredible person who's always trying their best to be strong. i promise all of your efforts will never be wasted and that you'll
see success when the right time comes. the time come someday that you will be able to enjoy all the things in life and you'll recall all your hardships that you've been through
and you will say "i did it" so let's continue to be strong, okay? i love you!


five days left :(( wooow :(( time really flies by so fast aaaa i hope these past few days, you became much more appreciative with yourself, and that you finally found your worth
and that you love yourself. <3 aa good morning!! today is another day to become productive and be happy! if you're working so much
these days, then i'll tell you this: please rest too!!! im really proud of you for working hard but i hope you take some breaks too and never forget to take care of yourself! i'll be here
if you want to vent out something, you can message me anytime! i'll be willing to listen to you! i love you and see you tomorrow <3


hmm what is your favorite song? like the one that you keep listening to almost every day? music is like the best, right? it energizes you and it comforts you as well! i love songs
with a happy tune especially in the morning but i love to listen to sad songs in night hehe especially when i feel sad. it's like one of the best solutions! do you do the same?
if not, you should try it sometime! it really works and makes your mind calm <3 aaa good morning to you!! have a lovely day today and when i say lovely it means that you
should love yourself more! i hope you'll smile and be happy a lot today! if not, that's okay :) if you want to talk about it, just message me <3 im wishing
you lots of luck for today and reminder that the month is almost ending!! aaaa i hope you can reflect on the things that you've done for a month and have goals for next
month! im supporting you! and of course you should support yourself too and believe that you can do it as well! i love you!


good morning!! before you continue reading this, say "i love myself" !! now say it 10x!! hehe if you really did it, then thank you i hope you understood every word <3 today will
be another special day for you to live! i hope you will find this day important as much as you are. i hope as days pass by, you start to realize the reason why you're here
and i know that reason is very special. you will always be here for a reason, it might be to help other people or to continue the things that you have started or just to make you
feel that you are special. you are always worth appreciating for, so thank you for being you. so now!! start your day with a smile! i hope today will be a good one! i love you <3


this should be the 29th message you opened and if you really read every message, how many times did i type "<3"??? hehe just kidding, i dont even know as well! two days left
before you reach the end of this carrd :(( you really grew as a better person. you've become stronger as days passed by and the proof is? you're here. you're here reading
my message and im really proud of you for that. can you say that to yourself too? that you're proud of yourself? come on say it! wow, you did great! i hope today will become
a meaningful day for you because every day is special. and every day you ARE special. you are important and you will always matter. sooo have a good day today and i'll see you
again tomorrow! i love you


good morning! im here to remind you that i love you! im really happy that you've come this far and you're still actually reading this! im really really thankful for you. because
i met such an amazing person who has a really good heart. who never gives up and continues to fight whatever they may be facing. im proud of you, i really do. so i hope you
enjoy your day today and finish the things that you have to do. always remember im here to support and cheer you on. i love you!!


wow. did you really reach the end? or did you open this randomly...? hehe i hope this is the last morning message you'll read from this carrd. but before you continue
to read this. repeat after me: "I, state your name finished the 31-day appreciation carrd, and finally realized that i can love myself as much as i love other people. i can
care about myself as much as i care for them. and i can proudly say that i am thankful for being me" i hope you said that while understanding it as well <3 you probably already
know but i have always been proud of you since day one. thank you for choosing to read my messages, it really means a lot! this carrd also helped me a lot as i was doing this
and couldn't help but tear up sometimes whenever i write a message. i just want you all to feel appreciated and loved. i want you to feel that you're the most important
person in this world. i want you to feel that there a lot of people who are grateful for you, and proud of you. because you all deserve it. i hope this carrd helped you to be
a better version of yourself and made you realize how important self love is. i love you so much and this is not the end. i might do this again someday but not so soon because
this really requires a lot of time and effort hehe also, i never searched up for any quotes or words because i really want all of my messages to come from my heart :) so i hope
you all appreciated it and let's see each other again soon! i love you and keep loving yourself okay? <3